Taiwan showcases solutions that deliver energy savings of up to 61 percent

Without a doubt, the decoration and packaging materials used in a trade-show exhibition can leave a sizable footprint on the planet. To address this issue, Taiwan’s Green Trade Project Office has developed the “Taiwan Green Demo House,” which is essentially an environmentally friendly, reusable exhibition show booth. Over the past 14 months, more than 35 companies have used the Taiwan Green Demo House to showcase their eco-friendly products and innovations to people from around the world.
The Demo House is based on three key principles: it is “modular”, “easy-to-assemble”, and “reusable”. In addition, it has been designed to present the use and application of high-quality green products and services in a “realistic” way. Featuring an ICT control system, the Demo House enables visitors to experience the full benefit of each display, just as if they were in a real home, office, or retail space.
In addition, the Taiwan Green Demo House also utilizes advanced building-energy- modeling software IES-VE to ensure the best energy-saving strategies for the entire setting. IES-VE analyzes a number of inputs, including climate data, building design, HVAC design, among others, to calculate the building’s energy consumption and anticipated energy bills. It then proposes energy-saving strategies based on the return-on-investment of the application of energy-saving products.
For example, by replacing a building’s ceiling and walls with NexPower’s thin film PV modules, harmful radiation can be filtered out, heat can be blocked, and clean energy from the sun can be generated, enabling a total of energy savings of up to 30%. By installing J-Energy’s smart inverter to a traditional air conditioner, the speed of the motor, the compressor, and cooling output can all be controlled, resulting in a reduced 9% total energy savings. As an OEM of the world’s top LED manufacturers, CB Lighting is a reliable lighting-solutions partner, especially when it comes to quality and price competitiveness. By installing its LED, 16% of energy can be saved. And with the help of SunValue’s solar-power brick, solar energy can be easily absorbed from various angles, yielding 9% of energy savings. According to IES-VE’s calculations on a virtual 4,889-square-meter, 3-floor building in London in average annual weather conditions, an energy savings of up to 61% can be attained with just these four products.
The Taiwan Green Demo House also features several of the newest smart and eco-friendly innovations. EPADA’s easy DIY bricks, for example, allow consumers to put together walls, chairs, desks, and much more, just like Lego bricks; M-FIELD’s energy solution stores surplus energy in the form of hydrogen and provides reliable and clean backup power during blackouts; every Easyup’s smart power switch embeds wireless protocols, like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee, and opens up a wild range of possibilities for smart living. Taiwan’s largest wooden- flooring-products exporter Ua Floors has showcased their toxic-free products as well as nanotechnology that helps to facilitate blood flow. Nan Yang Chemical’s Mesh Pipe is like the blood vessels in the human body, with the pipe’s smart design delivering water and nutrients to the ground while carrying away waste. Renato-lab’s designers enjoy turning recycled goods into fashion products, since they believe that great design and recycling technology can be integrated with more sustainable lifestyle choices. And Aecl has 35 years experience in producing industrial instruments. Their reliable temperature and humidity transmitters, energy meters, and air quality displays have become must-haves for environmental management.
The Demo House has been toured in Singapore, London, New Delhi, Guanzhou, Beijing, Fuzhou, Taipei, and is scheduled to attend London’s Ecobuild from 3/3-5/3 2015; and Tokyo’s Japan Home & Building Show in 11/2015. For more information, please visit: www.greentrade.org.tw
Media contact:
George Hu
886-2735-6006 ext 162
Visit GTPO’s Taiwan Green Demo House at booth S5040 at Ecobuild 2015, London Excel