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For those who can’t afford power outages . . .
給那些一分一秒都不能沒電的人… (M-Field 燃料電池)
A childhood fantasy comes to life
實現大人的樂高夢 (EPADA DIY樂高磚)
No Summertime Friend
一到夏天就沒朋友的台灣人 (Heatax 崴令冰冰漆)
You can help make the world greener…. by simply washing your hair
洗頭髮就能救地球?! (O‘right 洗髮精)
Money you shouldn’t pay to your power company!
別讓電力公司A了你的錢!(Taiwan Green Demo House 綠色產品綜合展)

The Power to Feel Secure in 10 Seconds—Introducing Cashido’s Award-Winning Ozone Antibacterial Syste


A Taiwanese Recycler’s Belief That All Waste Is Simply Misplaced Resources Winning Hearts—and Money!

A Taiwanese Recycler’s Belief That All Waste Is Simply Misplaced Resources Winning Hearts—and Money!

Money you shouldn't pay to your power company.

GTPO brings together innovative green-tech producers making Net-Zero Energy Building possible

For those who can’t afford power outages . . .

For those who can’t afford power outages . . .

“Harmonic Distortion”: The Invisible Electricity Thief You’ve Been Paying For投影片115
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